11 Psychological Flirting Tricks to Make Flirting Dramatically Easier
Today, we’re showing you 11 powerful flirting tricks that will make flirting with a beautiful women dramatically easier. And to be sure that you don’t quickly make her mad or turn her off, We’re also letting you know 1 big flirting mistake, that guys do wrong all the time. So.... to help you flirt with beautiful women, here are 11 highly-effective flirting tricks + 1 HUGE flirting mistake that you NEED to avoid.
11. Point Your Feet Towards Her While you’re flirting, there are actually
two conversations happening: One with words and one with body language.
And in order for flirting to really work, The conversations need to both be saying that
you want to be there with her.
So if you want to really show a girl that you think she’s fun and interesting:
Make sure your feet (along with your body) are pointed towards her, and not anyone else.
10. Meet Her Glance...Then Look Away Before you approach a girl, you obviously
don’t want to come off as nervous/intimidated, and one of the fastest ways to make a girl
think that you are, is to quickly look away, after making eye contact.
But luckily, there’s an easy fix and the results to this simple trick, are amazing:
Before you let your eyes dart off, acknowledge her gaze for just a second...
then look somewhere else.
It may sound too good to be true, but there may be nothing that you can more
readily do to put a girl at ease than that.
9. Don’t turn her off with your posture When you’re flirting, would you rather seem
tired and shy?
Or open and full of energy?
Well, most girls like flirting with a guy who shows some signs of life...
And one of the simplest ways to do that, is to exercise good posture.
So if you want a way to immediately exude confidence,
Do what your parents always told you, and just try standing or sitting up straight.
8. Leverage common ground Whether it’s a mutual friend, where you
grew up, or where you went to school: Finding something in common about your lives
is an instant conversation starter.
While having a more personal and unique thing in common is better,
if you’re not that lucky, don’t worry: any other interest you both love (or hate)
can just as easily get the conversation going.
7. Don’t Take Yourself (or Dating) Too Seriously If you want to make sure flirting is the fun
experience it’s meant to be, The secret is to not take yourself too seriously.
Because even if it might not feel like it, there’s a great chance that the girl you’re
flirting with is just as nervous as you are.
So to keep things from getting too awkward and to show her that she can relax,
don’t be afraid to laugh at yourself.
6. Touch Her Lightly...
In These Key Areas First of all, unwanted touching is probably
the fastest way to ruin things with a girl.
But... if you respect her boundaries, physical contact can actually put her at ease.
So, how can you touch a woman in a way that shows you’re not a creep?
Well, until she makes it clear that’s what she’s looking for, our advice is to just
keep it friendly: A light touch on the arm or shoulder shows
her that you’re clearly interested.
5. Play off of the signals she’s sending you At any given time, a woman you’re flirting
with will be sending you all kinds of signals.
Use these to your advantage.
For example: If she breaks the ‘touch barrier’, by
touching your arm, hand, or leg, then it’s more likely that she wants you
to do the same.
4. Flirt with Your Hobbies and Skills Even though most women don’t want their
guys to be a big show-off, that doesn’t mean they don’t like seeing
their man do what he does best.
So whether it’s cooking, fixing motorcycles, or playing volleyball,
Confidently showcasing your talents, by bringing her into that part of your world,
Is one of those all important ways to let your actions do the flirting for you.
3. Show Her You Think of Her As More Than Just a Friend
It might surprise you to learn that unless it’s pretty obvious,
women don’t always know if a guy is actually into them.
So if you’re actually flirting, you may want to make it clear that you see
her as more than just a friend.
And it doesn’t take much.
Something as quick as opening the car door for her,
or remembering something she said a while back, are easy ways to drop a hint.
2. Tease Her Playfully About What Makes Her Special One of the best ways to take a conversation
from friendly to flirty, is to introduce a little bit of playful teasing
into the mix.
Just one thing to remember: The key to playful teasing is to keep it from
crossing the line into the friendzone.
And the best way to do that?
Gently poke fun at her about the special quirks that make her who she is.
1. Dress Well and Don’t Smell Finally, if you want to get off on the right
foot with a girl you’re flirting with, The easiest thing you can do is avoid looking
like a total slacker.
Now, most women understand that you can’t always look (or smell) your best,
but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try as much as possible.
So remember, the key to successful flirting is starting the day off with a shower and
a fresh set of clothes.
The number 1 thing you definitely don’t want to get caught doing
...is “negging” a girl you want to like you.
And guys, that doesn’t mean “just don’t get caught doing it.”
What it really means, is that negging is such a transparent and
sleezy tactic, that there’s virtually no chance that it’ll
go anywhere meaningful.
So unless you want to immediately risk losing any shot you have with a girl.
Take the high road, be confident and don’t try to bring her down with negging.
Those are the 11 powerful flirting tricks and 1 that will almost always fail.
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