How to Get a Girl to INSTANTLY Like You - 14 Powerful Tips + 1 MUST-KNOW Rule
Today we’re showing you how to get a girl to like you. If you’re like most guys, it may seem pretty hard to make a good impression on a girl. And while it’s true that pretty much nothing you do will make a woman instantly love you, there are things you can do to drastically improve the odds that she’ll start to like you. are 14 powerful tips ( and one must-know rule) for getting a girl to like you.. Let’s start with what is probably the most important rule of how to get a girl to like you. Because without this one rule, everything else you learn today likely won’t work. The golden rule when talking to a woman is to just be yourself. Here’s why it’s so important: If you’re trying to be somebody that you’re not, not only will you not be able to focus on her, she’ll probably be immediately turned off by your fake persona, or she’ll buy into it, which leaves you to pretend you’re someone you’re not.
On the other hand, if you’re being genuine and she likes the real you, you’re well set up for starting a healthy and sustainable relationship with her. We all know: approaching a girl can feel daunting and stressful. And while every conversation you have isn’t going to be a homerun, these 7 tips will help make you more comfortable, and appear more confident:
Tip #1: Start With Eye Contact
Sometimes, men “rehearse” what they’re going to say before going up to a woman, and can forget this one important and obvious method for making things easier: Before you say anything to her, simply smile and make eye contact. The reason this tip is so helpful is because it shows you’re friendly, before you even say anything. So the next time you’re going to approach a woman, instead of going straight in and delivering a line, get off on the right foot by looking her in the eye and giving her a welcoming smile.
Tip #2: Stand or Sit up Straight
When Talking to a Girl...Maybe the easiest thing you can do to instantly get a woman to like you more, is to stand or sit up straight when you’re around her. Because even though it might not be possible to actually be taller, you can easily project a strong, confident presence that won’t go unnoticed. And the best part about this tip? Good posture can make such a big difference but it’s also so easy to do, which means you can effortlessly increase your attractiveness, while staying focused on her.
Tip #3: In the Beginning, Don’t Focus Too Much on Body Language
Even though body language can be a highly effective way to signal to a girl that you like her, focusing overly hard on reading it could ultimately be a turnoff to her. And here’s why: There’s not much that women appreciate from a man more than the ability to listen to them.
So if you’re too focused on what her body might be saying, you could miss out on some of the important things she is definitely telling you.
Tip #4: Just say ‘Hey’
If you spend too much time rehearsing your approach, it’s easy to begin to think that you need to be nothing less than totally original. And while being clever probably can’t hurt, it’s easy for women to spot an overly-practiced line and it’s an immediate red flag. So instead of trying to surprise her with something she’s never heard before, try to surprise her with something refreshingl that she likely hasn’t heard in awhile, and just start with a simple ‘hey.’
Tip #5: Talk About Your Common Interests
After you’ve gotten her attention, you’ll need to find something to talk about. And what better subject to start with, than your common interests? There’s only one problem: If you’ve only just met, how can you possibly know what interests you share? Well, you might not notice it at first, but there is actually an obvious topic right in front of you - It’s the place where you’re talking! Think about it: If you’re meeting her in school or at a coffee shop, she has to have an opinion of her classes or the shop... just like you do. So ask her about it! The reasons this tip is so valuable make sense: Talking about where you are is a genuine conversation-starter, But more importantly, by asking for her opinion or what’s on her mind, she’ll appreciate that you care about what she has to say, and that’s a surefire way of getting a girl to like you.
Tip #6: Mention Something Noteworthy
Imagine a scenario where something big happens when the two of you are together, Maybe it’s a particularly drunk guy who’s getting a little too rowdy. Maybe there’s a power outage or something even more random, like a marriage proposal. Whatever it is, you now have the perfect thing to talk about - a unique shared experience. These experiences can be rare, which is what makes them valuable. So if you notice something noteworthy, take the opportunity and start talking about it.
Tip #7: Don’t Try to Force the Conversation
One of the reasons why we put such an emphasis on being yourself, is because if you’re too caught up in how you’re coming off, you’re likely not focusing on her And if that’s happening, the conversation won’t fall into a ‘natural flow,’ where you’re both genuinely enjoying it. So let the conversation run its course, even if that means you run out of things to talk about.
The next 7 tips are for after you’ve gotten past the initial ice-breaking stage. Maybe you’re just running into each other more. Or maybe you’re already going on a date. Either way, after you’ve gotten past the initial approach these 7 tips will help you.
Tip #8: Now Start To Consider Your Body Language
Now that you’re talking more and are a little more comfortable with each other, it’s the perfect time to start reading what her body language might be telling you. What are signals should you look for? If she’s copying your body language, turning her toes towards you or “opening” her posture, she’s likely interested. These are a few classic signals she may be subconsciously sending, and ones that you should reciprocate if you’re interested.
Tip #9: Lightly Tease Her
Many guys tease as a form of flirting. That’s because it shows a sense of humor and that you can be fun and clever. But there’s also another big reason why teasing is a good tip to making a girl like you: To most women, it makes it pretty clear that you see her more than just a friend. So, playfully remind her of her goofiness and tease her lightly about things she likes.
Tip #10: Treat Her Differently than You Treat Your Friends
Teasing her isn’t the only way you can make it clear she’s not just a friend to you. For the same reasons why you shouldn’t tease her like everybody else, you shouldn’t treat her like everybody else. Now, being so forward may seem risky at first, but if you’re with someone you really like, and you really want her to like you, show her she’s more special to you than everybody else.
Tip #11: Don’t be Afraid to Make Fun of Yourself
In case you didn’t already know by now, confidence and genuineness are huge factors in getting a girl to like you. And one of the best ways to show a woman that you’re confident, is to show her that you don’t take yourself too seriously. Just like you probably don’t want a woman who is insecure and in need of constant validation, women don’t want a guy like that either. So, bottom line: don’t be afraid to laugh at yourself.
Tip #12: Don’t be Afraid to Show Her How Great You Are
Even though it’s important to be humble, and to be able to laugh at yourself, showing a woman your skills/talents is a great way to make her like you more. These talents are a big thing that sets you apart from everyone else, and generally speaking, women are attracted to talented men.
Tip #13: Bring Up Things She’s Mentioned in the Past
One big thing that women want out of their boyfriend, is someone who cares. And the best way to let her know that you care? Show her that you’ve really been listening to what she has to say. So if she’s mentioned she has a test, a new job, or anything big going on her life,
Bring it up the next time you talk, even if it’s over text. By doing this, not only do you show her that you’ve been listening, but you show her that you’ve been thinking about her. And both of these are great ways to show her you’re someone she wants to be with. boyfriend material.
Tip #14: Ask Her Out…At the Right Time
Okay, so she’s clearly interested in you, and it’s time to ask her out. There’s one important thing to remember: Don’t wait too long! If you do, there’s a serious risk that she might lose interest or find someone new. So if you’ve just met this girl, ask her out within a couple of weeks.
There are 14 powerful tips, and one must-know rule, on how to get a girl to like you.
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